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Warsza Z. L. 
Description of the accuracy of broadly unbalanced sensor resistance bridges / Z. L. Warsza // Системи оброб. інформації. - 2010. - Вип. 4. - С. 114-125. - Библиогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

After short introduction transfer coefficients of the unloaded four arms bridge of arbitrary variable arm resistances, supplied by current or voltage source, are given in Table 1. Their error propagation formulas are find and two rationalized forms of accuracy measures, i.e. related to the initial bridge sensitivities and of double component form as sum of zero error and increment error of the bridge transfer coefficients are introduced. Both forms of transfer coefficient measures of commonly used bridge - of similar initial arm resistances in balance and different variants of their jointed increments, are given in Table 3. As the example limited errors of some resistance bridges with platinum Pt100 industrial sensors of class A and B are calculated - Table 4 and analyzed. Presented approach is discussed and found as the universal solution for all bridges and also for any other circuits used for parametric sensors.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З965-044.3


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