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Chesalin M.  
Long-term changes in populations of seabirds on Petermann Island and surrounding islands in Graham Land, Antarctic Peninsula = Довготривалі зміни в популяціях морських птахів на острові Пітерман і довколишніх островах Землі Грейама, Антарктичний півострів / M. Chesalin, R. Naveen, H. Lynch, I. Bullock, M. Rider, A. Miller, S. Forresr, R. Dagit, I. Dykyy, V. Timofeyev // Мор. екол. журн. - 2009. - 8, № 3. - С. 5-13. - Библиогр.: 34 назв. - англ.

The comparison of new and historic census counts of pygoscelid penguins and other seabird populations on Petermann Island (<$E 65 symbol Р~10 prime>S, <$E 64 symbol Р~10 prime>W) and neighboring islands shows several trends consistent with theories of climate-mediated change in the Antarctic Peninsula. Long-term data on the number of gentoo nests on Petermann Island show that their abundance has increased about 30 times from beginning of the 20<^>th century, 3 - 4 times from 1970 - 80, and has doubled since 1990. In contrast, the abundance of Adelie penguin nests on Petermann Island diminished about four times since 1970 and two times since 1997. The newly discovered gentoo penguin rookeries on Moot Point, the Valour Islands, Galindez Island and Cape Tuxen represent the southernmost locations where this species has been found breeding in the Antarctic Peninsula. Booth Island, the southernmost place where all three pygoscelid penguins currently breed, also remains the southernmost point where chinstrap penguins breed.

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