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Kakazei G. N. 
Magnetic properties of amorphous <$E bold roman {Co sub 0,74 Si sub 0,26 "/" Si}> multilayers with different number of periods / G. N. Kakazei, N. M. Santos, C. Quiros, M. Velez, J. I. Martin, J. M. Alameda, V. O. Golub, O. Y. Saliuk, Yu. G. Pogorelov, M. C. Carmo, N. A. Sobolev, J. B. Sousa // Физика низ. температур. - 2010. - 36, № 8/9. - С. 1029-1033. - Библиогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Two sets of [<$E roman {Co sub 0,74 Si sub 0,26 ( 5~nm ) "/" Si} ( s )] sub n> amorphous films were prepared by magnetron sputtering: one in the form of multilayers with the Si spacer thickness s fixed at 3 nm, and the number of periods n varying from 1 to 10; and another one with only two periods and s varying from 3 to 24 nm (trilayers). In both series, the Co0,74Si0,26 layer thickness t was fixed at 5 nm. All the samples except the one with s = 24 nm demonstrate antiferromagnetic coupling. Their magnetic properties at room temperature were probed by magnetooptical transverse Kerr effect (MOTKE) and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). The relative increase of the saturation magnetization <$E M sub s> (for trilayers with respect to the one with s = 24 nm; for multilayers with respect to the single layer one) obtained from the FMR measurements was compared with the exchange coupling strength <$E H sub J sup AF> obtained from the MOTKE studies. <$E H sub J sup AF> and <$E M sub s> dependencies vs n and s were found to be very similar to each other. Possible mechanisms of this similarity are discussed.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В379.224 + В379.273


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