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Kovalchenko A. M. 
State of investigations of surface texturing for tribological characteristics improvement of the friction units : (a rev.) / A. M. Kovalchenko // Пробл. тертя та зношування. - 2011. - Вип. 55. - С. 13-26. - Библиогр.: 66 назв. - англ.

Considerable amount of papers have been published on the topic of surface texturing for tribological applications over the last decade. Investigations of surface textured surfaces in bearings, seals, reciprocating automotive components, etc. are curried out in many countries. New mathematical models describing tribological behavior of the textured surfaces under different lubricating conditions are regularly elaborating. However, in spite of large amount of the studies, the quantity of mass production of the textured industrial parts of friction units is highly limited. Rather possibly that the simple surfaces texturing is not enoufh for the achievement of a real positive result. Application of new materials and the additional design solutions for providing geometrical precision conformability could be the ways for wider usage of the textured surfaces. The current review covers the most significant works on the surface texturing presented in scientific periodicals in English language. (В даному огляді викладено основні сучасні роботи із текстурування поверхонь тертя).

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К413.1


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