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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Daoud Younis Shareef. Younis Shareef 
Linear quadratic regulator control technique for stabilization a quadrotor aircraft / Younis Shareef. Younis Shareef Daoud, Raad Kareem. Raad Kareem Kadhim // Електроніка та системи упр. - 2012. - № 1. - С. 31-38. - Библиогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

Interest into vertical take-off and landing aircraft has been renewed in recent years due to the rapid development of technology in the area and the numerous advantages іnterest into vertical take-off and landing aircraft have over traditional airplanes and helicopters. With the development of lightweight Micro-Electro-Mechanical System sensors it has become possible to construct autonomous models of Interest into vertical take-off and landing aircraft to efficiently and cost-effectively develop control concepts and compare design variations. This paper focuses on the design and construction of an autonomous quad rotor aircraft. A mathematical model of the system has been developed and used as the basis of a suitable controller designed. A Kalman filter has also been designed and incorporated into the control system. The filter is capable of determining craft attitude based on feedback from orthogonally positioned gyroscopes and accelerometers.

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