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Koval'chuk A. V. 
Photodielectrical properties of the modified С60 films. Maxwell - Vagner-type polarization between near-electrode and bulk layers / A. V. Koval'chuk, A. F. Shevchuk, D. A. Naiko, T. N. Koval'chuk // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2005. - 8, № 3. - С. 92-99. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Within the frequency interval of <$E 10 sup -1> to <$E 10 sup 6> Hz investigated were the frequency dependences of the capacitance C and resistance R for modified <$E roman С sub 60> films in darkness and on exposure to the focused white light. A clamping ITO electrode with an intermediate layer of isotropic liquid (glycerin or distilled water) was taken instead of the traditionally used deposited top metal electrode. Found are the conditions when C and R changes are caused by near-electrode (<$E f~<<~10 sup 3> Hz) and bulk (<$E f~>>~10 sup 4> Hz) processes. It was shown that the sharp reduction of C and R with growing the frequency corresponds to the transition from one condition to the other, and such process can be described with account of the "classical" Maxwell-Wagner mechanism of interlayer polarization. The relaxation time of such process was found to be equal approximately 10 ns. This time was shown to depend on the manufacturing technology of <$E roman С sub 60> films. Having analyzed the obtained frequency dependences of C and R, an equivalent circuit of the sample was suggested. We estimated the thicknesses of the liquid layer (<$E symbol Ы~30~ roman {mu m}>) and near-electrode layer of <$E roman С sub 60> films (tens of nanometers). Comparing the frequency dependences of C and R on exposure to light of the bottom and top electrodes, it was assumed that the <$E roman С sub 60> films under laser UV-irradiation is non-uniform in thickness.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В372 + В374


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