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Moskvin P. P. 
Polyassociative thermodynamical model of <$E bold roman {A sup 2 B sup 6}> semiconductor melt and phase equilibrium in Cd - Hg - Te system: 3. Optimization of the thermodynamical functions of the model and quasi-binary structural diagram of Cd - Hg - Te system / P. P. Moskvin, L. V. Rashkovetskiy, A. V. Stronski // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2005. - 8, № 2. - С. 81-85. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Within the frames of the model of the polyassociative solutions the comparative analysis was performed of the formation parameters of multi-atom complexes in CdTe and Hg - Te systems. It was shown, that thermodynamical properties of the studied systems can be described in the supposition of the presence in the liquid phase of the ATe, A2Te3, ATe2, A2Te (A = Cd, Hg) and free Te, Cd, Hg atoms. In accordance with the model of polyassociative solutions the data on p - T - x equilibrium in the region of quasi-binary cross-section of Cd - Hg - Te system structural diagram were obtained. It was shown, that the mixing effects in the three-component liquid phase are satisfactorily described by the formation of CdHgTe and CdHgTe3 associates. The good correspondence of the calculations and experiment in the high temperature part of the Cd - Hg - Te system structural diagram was achieved.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В379.25в641.0

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