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Gorishnyi M. P. 
Optical and photoelectrical properties of the tetrathiotetracene-fullerene (TTTC60) film heterostructures / M. P. Gorishnyi, A. B. Verbitsky, A. V. Kovalchuk, T. N. Kovalchuk, P. N. Lutsyk // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2008. - 11, № 3. - С. 236-239. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

The optical and photoelectrical properties of heterostructures (HS) SnO2TTTC60Ag are investigated. The additional absorption of HS TTT and C60 is revealed in comparison with those for their components, which testifies to the formation of complexes between the TTT and C60 molecules near the TTT-C60 interface. Current-voltage characteristics (J-V) of a dark current is symmetric, as well as corresponds to the Ohm law for the voltages of 0 to 0,4 V. In the voltage range of 0,4 to 1,0 V, the branch of J-V at the positive polarity (<$E I sub +>) goes above that at the negative polarity (<$E I sub ->) at a SnO2-electrode. Thus, in the double logarithmic scale, <$E I sub +> and <$E I sub -> are described by direct lines with the angular factors 1,77 and 1,37, accordingly, and exponents in the half-logarithmic coordinates (log I - U). The open-circuit voltage <$E V sub oc> has a positive polarity at the SnO2-electrode irrespective of the illumination direction of a sample. Photovoltage is caused by antiblocking bends of bands for holes and electrons near the SnO2- and Ag-electrodes of TTT and C60 films, accordingly. The dark effective specific resistance of the HS SnO2TTTC60Ag is equal to <$E 5~cdot~10 sup 7~roman {Ohm~cdot~cm}>.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В374 + В377.14


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