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Nikonyuk E. S. 
Self-purification effect in CdTe:Gd crystals / E. S. Nikonyuk, V. L. Shlyakhovyi, M. O. Kovalets, M. I. Kuchma, Z. I. Zakharuk, A. I. Savchuk, I. M. Yuriychuk // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2008. - 11, № 1. - С. 40-42. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

The temperature dependences (T = 80 - 420 K) of the concentration of charge carriers and the Hall mobility in undoped CdTe and CdTe:Gd single crystals grown by the Bridgman method are studied. It is found that the conductivity type of CdTe:Gd crystals changes with increase in the impurity concentration in the melt: n-conductivity at <$E 5~cdot~10 sup 17~-~3~cdot~10 sup 18~roman cm sup -3> and p-conductivity at <$E 3~cdot~10 sup 18~-~10 sup 19~roman cm sup -3>. The concentrations and ionization energies of <$E A sub 1> (<$E E sub A1~=~0,05> eV) and <$E A sub 2> (<$E E sub A2~=~0,12~-~0,15> eV) acceptors are determined from the temperature dependences of the Hall coefficient and the mobility of carriers. A long-term thermal treatment of gadolinium-doped p-CdTe crystals in the range 663 - 713 K is accompanied by the "self-purification" of the material from <$E A sub 2>-acceptors and compensating donors. The Gd impurity at <$E C sub 0~>>~3~cdot~10 sup 18~roman cm sup -3> is shown to bring no new electrical active centers into the CdTe lattice, by reducing, at the same time, the background of residual impurities. It is suggested that Te precipitates and Te inclusions serve as sinks for the above defects.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В379


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