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Korotyeyev V. V. 
Comparison of electron transport in polar materials for the models of low-density and high-density electron gas. Application to bulk GaN / V. V. Korotyeyev, G. I. Syngayivska, V. A. Kochelap, A. A. Klimov // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2009. - 12, № 4. - С. 328-338. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

We analyzed the steady-state electron transport for bulk GaN in frame of two opposite approaches: the electron temperature approach that assumes a high-density electron gas and numerical single-particle Monte-Carlo method that assumes a low-density electron gas and does not take into account electron-electron (e-e) scattering. We have also presented an analytical solution of the Boltzmann transport equation based on diffusion approximation. The transport characteristics such as the drift velocity electric field, <$E V sub d (E)>, and mean electron energy electric field, <$E symbol ... epsilon (E) symbol ъ>, have been calculated at nitrogen and room temperatures in the wide range of applied electric fields from zero fields up to runaway ones (~ 100 kV/cm) for both approaches. Our calculations were performed for doped semiconductor with equal impurity and electron concentrations, <$E N sub i~=~n~=~10 sup 16~roman cm sup -3>. The electron distribution functions in various ranges of applied fields have been also demonstrated. Within the range of heating applied fields 0 - 300 V/cm, we found a strong difference between the transport characteristics obtained by means of the balance equations (electron temperature approach) and Monte-Carlo procedure. However, the Monte-Carlo calculations and diffusion approximation show a good agreement at 77 K. Within the range of moderate fields 1 - 10 kV/cm at 77 K, we established that the streaming effect can occur for low-density electron gas. In spite of significant dissimilarity of a streaming-like and a shifted Maxwellian distribution functions, the calculated values of <$E V sub d (E)> and

<$E symbol ... epsilon (E) symbol ъ> show similar sub-linear behavior as the functions of the applied field E. In the high-field range 20 - 80 kV/cm, the streaming effect is broken down, and we observe practically linear behavior of both <$EV sub d (E)> and <$Esymbol ... epsilon (E) symbol ъ> for both approaches. At higher fields, we point out the initiation of the runaway effect.

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