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Пошуковий запит: (<.>ID=REF-0000398736<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Strategy of enterprises in the waiting period of the crisis: economic, social and legal aspects : XI intern. sci. symp., may 15 - 16, 2013, Kyiv / ed.: A. Mazaraki; Kyiv nat. univ. of trade and econ., Crakow univ. of econ., Univ. of Messina. - Kyiv : Kyiv nat. univ. of trade a. economics, 2013. - 322 c. - англ.

In the conference are represented some aspects of state legal policy influence on the strategy of enterprise security protection in the economic sphere. The development of strategic directions in the internet retail trade are examined. The asset productivity and recovery in the context of corporate restructuring in mesostructure of Poland's economy are investigated. The dynamics and the directions of changes in the structure of business activity of large enterprises in Poland in the years 1998 - 2011 are analyzed. The are considered financial capacity of trade companies formation as a struggle against the crisis. The are illuminated controlling and performance management as a business management concepts. The analyzed financial sustainability of the restaurant trade enterprises as factor for their strategic development. The revealed using the tools of enterprise restructuring in the process of its value growth.

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