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Zakharia Y. 
Distribution of current density on the perimeter of a cylindrical conductor of a waveguide's vibroexciter / Y. Zakharia // Computational Problems of Electrical Eng.. - 2012. - 2, № 1. - С. 147-152. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

On the basis of electrodynamic analysis a considerable nonuniformity of the current density distribution on the perimeter of a cylindrical conductor of a waveguide exciter has been detected. It has been proved that the above mentioned nonuniformity mostly affects the input reactance of the exciter. Such effect is minimum at central location of the exciter in the waveguide. It rises sharply when the exciter is diplaced. Therefore, we come to conclusion that it is necessary to take into consideration the nonuniformity of the current density distribution when analyzing a vibroexciter.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З845.7-01


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