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Vlaskina S. I. 
Silicon carbide phase transition in as-grown 3C-6H polytypes junction / S. I. Vlaskina, G. N. Mishinova, V. I. Vlaskin, G. S. Svechnikov, V. E. Rodionov, S. W. Lee // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2013. - 16, № 2. - С. 132-135. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Perfect pure (concentration of donors ~10<^>16 cm<^>-3 ) single crystals with joint polytypes (hexagonal-cubic) or heterojunction investigated using low temperature (4,2 К and 77 K) photoluminescence. Phase transformation started exactly from lamella between polytypes. <$Ebeta ~symbol О~ alpha> (3C-6H) SiC transformation distributes from lamella as from nuclear. Photoluminescence spectra are similar to the spectrum demonstrated by pure perfect 3C-SiC crystal in the field of mechanical deformation. In the zone of joint polytypes and zone of the plastic deformation in perfect 3C-SiC crystal after bending, the same stacking faults are localized. Luminescence in the disordered <$Ealpha>-zone as a result of phase transformation is represented by a set of intensely pronounced stacking fault spectra. These spectra reside on more or less intense background band, which are emission of the donor-acceptor pairs in SiC. Excitation luminescence spectra confirm appearance of stacking faults which are responsible for metastable intermediate micro- and nano-SiC structures. Solid-phase transformations <$Ebeta ~symbol О~ alpha> are related with the same intermediate metastable microstructure that take place in the transformation <$Ealpha ~symbol О~ beta>.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В379.22


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