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Sachenko A. V. 
Mechanism of current flow and temperature dependence of contact resistivity in Au-Pd-Ti-Pd-<$E bold n sup +>-GaN ohmic contacts / A. V. Sachenko, A. E. Belyaev, N. S. Boltovets, L. M. Kapitanchuk, V. P. Klad'ko, R. V. Konakova, A. V. Kuchuk, T. V. Korostinskaya, A. S. Pilipchuk, V. N. Sheremet, Yu. I. Mazur, M. E. Ware, G. J. Salamo // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2013. - 16, № 4. - С. 313-321. - Бібліогр.: 32 назв. - англ.

We present the results of structural and morphological investigations of interactions between phases in the layers of Au-Pd-Ti-Pd-n<^>+-GaN contact metallization that appear at rapid thermal annealing (RTA). It is shown that formation of ohmic contact occurs in the course of RTA at <$E T~=~900~symbol Р roman C> due to formation of titanium nitride. We studied experimentally and explained theoretically the temperature dependence of contact resistivity <$E rho sub c (T)> of ohmic contacts in the 4,2 - 380 K temperature range. The <$E rho sub c (T)> curve was shown to flatten out in the 4,2 - 50 K range. As temperature grew, <$E rho sub c> decreased exponentially. The results obtained enabled us to conclude that current flow has field nature at saturation of <$E rho sub c (T)> and the thermofield nature in the exponential part of <$E rho sub c (T)> curve.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В377.15


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