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Kulyk M. M. 
Operational conditions of combined heat-and-power plants with heat pumps and the attainable utilization capacities of heat pumps at such plants in the Integrated Power System of Ukraine / M. M. Kulyk, V. D. Bilodid // Пробл. заг. енергетики. - 2014. - № 1. - С. 39-45. - Бібліогр.: 5 назв. - англ.

This paper presents the results of analysis of two variants of operational conditions of combined heat-and-power plants with process circuits in which heat pumps are used for utilizing heat of exit combustion gases: the variant with controlled electric power of the combined heat-and-power plant, and the economical variant ensuring maximum cost efficiency. According to the variant with controlled electric power, the output thermal power transferred by heat-and-power plants to the heating system is equal to the rated thermal power. However, the thermal power taken off from the turbines decreases by 9,6 %. The total electric power is reduced by 14 % as compared with nominal conditions (without heat pumps). Generally, the total output power of the combined heat-and-power plant in these operational conditions taking into account the thermal power produced by the heat pumps is 4,5 % less than the total output power in nominal conditions. Therefore, the use of the combined heat-and-power plants for regulating power can only be cost effective if they are engaged in addressing systemic tasks (specifically for controlling power generation in response to electric load demands) with proper payment for such services by the power system. The economical variant is much more cost effective. This variant provides for the turbine power reference values being transferred to power generators, while thermal power transferred to the system increases by 10,6 %. The total power of combined heat-and-power plants increases by 5,6 % as compared with the rated operational conditions. A much greater additional cost efficiency effect under this variant can be achieved by using heat pumps operating at the combined heat-and-power plants as electricity load-controlled consumers in an automatic frequency and power control system as part of the integrated power system.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З391.92


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