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Jamska K. 
Protecting birds and bats in buildings undergoing thermal insulation improvements - procedures and practice in Poland / K. Jamska // Біол. студії. - 2014. - 8, № 1. - С. 205-216. - Бібліогр.: 29 назв. - англ.

Due to a progressive degradation of natural environment, more and more animal species try to live in the anthropogenic conditions. Some animals are so well adapted to the new conditions that both their populations and areas of occurrence increase. Some bird and bat species that use the building as a place for nesting, breeding and hibernation are good examples of such successful adaptation. In recent years, the old buildings that are full of various cracks and openings attractive to the animals, are intensively renovated and modernized. As a result, birds and bats, although protected by law, lose their habitats and often lives, which in turn threatens a stability of their populations. Therefore, there is a strong drive to protect wildlife species and their habitats in buildings. As a result, standards and practical guidelines have been developed for planning and implementing building renovations, as well as appropriate compensating solutions have been designed for each species. The purpose of this paper is to review basic knowledge and experience in the protection of animals in buildings in towns and cities in Poland.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е623.35*80 + Е623.362.414.2*80


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