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Горбатюк Н. В. 
Использование ГИС-технологий для оценки инженерно-геологических условий урбанизированных территорий / Н. В. Горбатюк, А. А. Лущик // Геоінформатика. - 2003. - № 1. - С. 84-87. - Библиогр.: 6 назв. - рус.

In the article the main aspects and structure of the process of rating of a status of engineering - geological conditions (EGC) of the urbanized territories are any used. Effective engineering maintenance of geologic environment of the urbanized territories, based on an authentic rating of the EGC, assumes the comprehensive approach to the object of rating and a way of performance of the obtained information. Reliability of rating is provided by the presence of a necessary scope of the information on the EGC organized in space and technical load. A plenty of metrics and complexity of links between them result in output, that processing and performance (visualization) of these materials is the most rational for making resources of computer facilities on the basis of GIS-tecnologies. Main function boxes of geo-informational system are described. Basic elements of relational databases are considered. Qualifiers for a system data structure in databases are offered, for: geomorphological conditions, properties of stratas, hydro-geological and geodynamic conditions. Using of GIS rating of the EGC of the urbanized territories is reasonable not only for engineering - geologic organizations, but also for subjects of the cadastre and rating of the grounds.

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