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Михайлов В. О. 
Комплексная интерпретация геолого-геофизических данных для Московского бассейна в полосе профиля 1-ЕВ: от сейсмоплотностной модели литосферы к сценарию формирования осадочного бассейна / В. О. Михайлов, С. А. Тихоцкий, Е. А. Киселева, Е. П. Пшеченкова, Д. Ю. Шур, Е. И. Смольянинова, Е. П. Тимошкина, С. А. Хайретдинов, М. В. Минц, Т. Н. Хераскова, А. К. Сулейманов, Ю. Н. Андрющенко, Р. Г. Берзин, Н. Г. Голованова, Н. Г. Заможняя // Геоінформатика. - 2006. - № 1. - С. 57-61. - Библиогр.: 3 назв. - рус.

We present a new approach to and results of joint geodynamic interpretation of geological and geophysical data along a new seismic 1-EV transect running across the Moscow basin. A New seismic and gravity model of the Earth crust and lithospheric mantle has been constructed for the vicinity of the transect. This model defines more exactly the position of the main grabens, reveals the thrust-nappe structure of the top of the crystalline basement, and suggests a body of a low density mantle below the central part of the basin. Based on this model and the results of the subsidence history analysis (24 boreholes situated in the vicinity of 1-EV profile were used) we suggested that the Moscow basin had been formed as a result of two extensional phases. 1. Active rifting phase at the end of Riphean - beginning of Vendian characterized by small (<$E ~<<~8~%>) extension and uplift to the base of the crust of the warm anomalous mantle (thickness of about 20 km and excess temperature of 200 - 300 <$E symbol Р>C). 2. Passive rifting at the amount of a few percent in the early Devonian - end of the late Carboniferous, as a result of tectonic events at the periphery of the East European Platform.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д211.1 + Д443.41


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