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Малахов І. М. 
Порівняльна оцінка техногенного та природного перенесення порід літосфери / І. М. Малахов // Геоінформатика. - 2009. - № 3. - С. 37-42. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - укp.

This article is an attempt to evaluate technogeneous transferring of mining mass from the Earth interior to its surface during extraction of non-renewable natural resources. There are shown tendencies in increasing masses of annually transferred mining rocks of the lithosphere for the period beginning with the late Neolith. It should be observed, that mining rocks power moved per year in the lithosphere will correspond to the mass of the sedimentary complex of the Earth in 58 - 62 years, if trends of mining don't change. It was proved that the mass technogeneous displacement of the rock in the lithosphere is especially significant, because it provides a basis for comparing natural geological forces in the biosphere, such as biosphere productivity and photosynthesis, water and wind erosion, annual solid flow in rivers, mass of igneous rock. It has a similar order of magnitude, about 10<^>11 t year. The result of commensurability of orders of magnitudes of these different processes is probably a lower growth rate of mining of mineral resources. It quite possibly goes on to a critical boundary evolution of civilization.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д432.71-24


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