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Fomenko E. 
Fritz Senn: a jubilee of the outstanding swiss Joycean and his half-century commitment to James Joyce / E. Fomenko // Держава та регіони. Сер. Гуманіт. науки. - 2012. - Вип. 4. - С. 28-30. - Бібліогр.: 1 назв. - англ.

The article is devoted to the 85th jubilee of Fritz Senn, a renowned Joycean who is the director of Zurich Joyce Foundation, a remarkable scholar who inspired several generations of Joyceans by his extraordinary way of thinking and deep interpretations of Joyce's idiostyle in the context of world culture. Developing his own conception of Joyce's internal translations, Fritz Senn has been serving philology for many years, committed to his search of truth, never compromising his opinion, promoting dialogue of cultures, integrating the movements of his thinking soul into dynamics of the modern world. A recognized authority in the Joycean world, Fritz Senn follows his own path without holding an official scientific degree. He is cited by Joyceans from all over the world, he is Doctor Emeritus at several universities, he is an editor of academic journals that specialize in Joyce's work. He inspires Joyceans to discover new ways within an integral scientific paradigm. With deep respect and appreciation of Fritz Senn's scientific honesty, his openness to academic discussions, his deep commitment to Joyce Ukrainian scholars congratulate him on his jubilee and wish him new achievemenrts in his work.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ш4 г(4ШВА)6 д + Ш5(4ІРЛ)6-4


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