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Столяр О. Б. 
Акумуляція свинцю низькомолекулярними термостабільними білками гепатопанкреасу коропа та їх властивості за інтоксикації свинцем (II) / О. Б. Столяр, В. О. Арсан, В. О. Хоменчук // Доп. НАН України. - 2002. - № 4. - С. 192-196. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - укp.

The influence of 0,01, 0,2, and 0,5 mg/l of lead (II) for 14 days on the low-weight thermostable proteins (LTP) of carp hepatopancreas and the accumulation of lead in them have been investigated. The results show that the concentrations of the hepatic total proteins and LTP are not changed under the lead action. The lead content in the LTP and its fractions, obtained by gel-filtration on the sephadex G-75, increases under the action of 0,01 mg/l, decreases under 0,2 mg/l, and is close to the control value under the 0,5 mg/l dose. Under the normal conditions and under the action of the 0,01 mg/l dose, the metallothioneins reveal no selectivity in the lead binding compare to another proteins. Under the action of 0,2 mg/l of lead, the metallothioneins have disappeared. The number of the LTP fractions is increased under all the experimental doses. The content of SH groups content increases, and the significant changes in the UV-spectra of the LTP fractions are observed under the action of the 0,2 mg/l dose.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е623.33*725.111.3*716-641.1


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