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Быстров В. М. 
Влияние неоднородности материала на зону краевого эффекта Сен-Венана при плоской деформации полуограниченной трансверсально-изотропной матрицы с покрытием / В. М. Быстров // Доп. НАН України. - 2004. - № 1. - С. 38-42. - Библиогр.: 4 назв. - рус.

The effect of material inhomogeneity on the Saint-Venant end effect zone in a transversely isotropic matrix with isotropic covering is considered for a representative element of the material. The elastic properties of the transversely isotropic matrix correspond to those of a unidirectional glass-fiber-reinforced plastic. The decay of the end effect in the direction perpendicular to the isotropy plane of the transversely isotropic matrix for the case of a piecewise-constant periodic surface load is considered. For a study of Saint-Venant end effect, the self-equilibrated function of a load is associated with this load by a superposition. The boundary-value problem of elasticity theory of inhomogeneous orthotropic bodies and a quantitative criterion of decay of the end effect for normal stresses are used. The problem is solved by the net method within the framework of base schemes. The results of definitions of the end-effect zone for a homogeneous or heterogeneous material are presented.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В251.1


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