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Гулин С. Б. 
Геохронологическая реконструкция многолетнего поступления <$E bold {nothing sup 137 roman Cs}> из горных и равнинных рек в Черное море и сравнение буферной емкости водосборных бассейнов / С. Б. Гулин, Г. Г. Поликарпов, И. Освач, Ж. -М. Мартен // Доп. НАН України. - 2002. - № 6. - С. 195-199. - Библиогр.: 10 назв. - рус.

In the framework of the international projects EROS-21 (EU) and RER/2/003 (IAEA), the trends of radionuclide discharge from the Danube and Coruh rivers were traced using the <$E nothing sup 137 roman Cs> deposition records in the adjacent Black Sea sediments. The <$E nothing sup 137 roman Cs>-derived dating showed that the maximum discharge of <$E nothing sup 137 roman Cs> from the Coruh was delayed for 14 years relative to the date of the Chernobyl accident, reflecting a buffer effect of watershed soils. This transit time is 3 and 1,5 times longer than that in the Danube and Dnieper, respectively, indicating a difference in retention processes in these mountain and lowland catchment basins. The <$E nothing sup 137 roman Cs> profile in Coruh sediments showed the penetration of <$E nothing sup 137 roman Cs> to much greater depths than it would be expected from the <$E nothing sup 137 roman Cs> fallout chronology, suggesting the sediment mixing at a rate of <$E 1,3~roman {cm sup 2 y sup -1}>. This value was used to evaluate the deposition chronology of bomb <$E nothing sup 137 roman Cs>, applying the model developed for pulse fallout case. The higher measured activities of <$E nothing sup 137 roman Cs> in the upper sediments, relative to modelled data, may be explained by an additional <$E nothing sup 137 roman Cs> input with eroded soil particles. Subtracting the measured and modelled data allows the differentiation of <$E nothing sup 137 roman Cs> trends of the flood-induced discharge and the slower transit of <$E nothing sup 137 roman Cs> from the catchment basin.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д221.12


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