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Марченко М. М. 
ДНКазна активність ядер клітин печінки та карциноми Герена в ході росту новоутворення / М. М. Марченко, Г. П. Копильчук, І. О. Шмараков // Доп. НАН України. - 2004. - № 3. - С. 159-162. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - укp.

The endonuclease activity in the nuclei of neoplasm cells has been investigated as such that have lost the ability to apoptosis and in the cells of liver as the targets of the depression affect of neoplasm growth. A direct dependence between the tumor growth and a decrease of endonuclease activity in the cells of both a tumor and liver is observed. It may be caused by the intense production of the inhibitors of nucleases by tumor cells. The emphasis as for the role of these factors is caused by their major role in the modulation of the activity of endonucleases under the condition of the realization of a cell death program. The comparison of the results has shown the liability of the data changes which correspond to the alkaline DNase activity as compared to the data on acid DNase activity. The decrease in the DNase I activity testifies to the disappearance of degenerate processes in the nuclei of tumor cells. The tendency to a slight decrease in the acid DNase activity can be explained by the connection of a certain enzyme functioning with the synthetic processes in a cell.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р562.9-3


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