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Загороднюк І. В. 
Інвазія як шлях видоутворення / І. В. Загороднюк // Доп. НАН України. - 2003. - № 10. - С. 187-194. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - укp.

Undoubtedly, new species appear in the structure of local faunas unexpectedly (kryptogenically), rather than a result of the long-term historical development of some local species. Formation of the new species is the result of population invasion in the new area where it becomes a member of the new community. Invasion is considered as an ecosystem mutation since the time when a population-colonizer starts to live as a new species. At a population level, anything essentially new does not happen during this time, whereas the new species is formed at a level, of communities. Formation of a species new to a biota occurs not earlier of the intrusion of its initial population into the structure of the community new to it. The success of a species in the new community and achievement of a stable condition by this species without participation of a parent population is a primary factor of achievement of the status of an independent species.

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