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Таран Ю. Н. 
Классификация перитектических структур / Ю. Н. Таран, И. М. Галушко // Доп. НАН України. - 2003. - № 1. - С. 76-81. - Библиогр.: 15 назв. - рус.

A new system approach in the analysis of the microstructural data on peritectical structure-formation, allowing to distinguish 4 basic models of alloy's crystallization of the peritectical type, is developed: 1) model of ideal crystallization supposing a complete realization of the peritectical reaction; 2) model of abnormal crystallization, according to which the peritectical reaction is passivized and the single-phase crystallization of the peritectical phase gets the primary development; 3) model of normal crystallization, in which the realization of the peritectical reaction passes partially, owing to the formation of a continuous environment of the peritectical phase around primary crystals; 4) model of extreme crystallization, in which fine dispersed microstructures are formed at superfast cooling (<$E V sub {roman cool }~=~ 10 sup 5 ~-~ 10 sup 6> K/s) under conditions of large overcoolings of the melt below the temperature of peritectical horizontal <$E T sub p>. According to the given models of alloy's crystallization of the peritectical type, the classification of peritectical structures is developed, in which peritectical structures are divided into 4 classes: ideal, normal, abnormal, and fine-dispersed ones.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В375.143.1


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