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Луговський Е. В. 
Новий центр полімеризації фібрину в його D-домені, який необхідний для побудови протофібрил / Е. В. Луговський, П. Г. Гриценко, І. М. Колеснікова, Е. М. Золотарьова, В. І. Чернишов, Г. К. Гоголінська, Є. Д. Ляшко, Л. М. Литвинова, О. П. Костюченко, Ю. І. Петрова, С. В. Комісаренко // Доп. НАН України. - 2004. - № 1. - С. 171-176. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - укp.

We have used monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) raised against fibrin D-dimer. Among 16 hybridomas obtained, two were selected, producing mAbs of the IgG-class, which inhibited the fibrin (f) polymerization to 100 % and 60 % at a molar ratio mAb : f = 1,0. Fab-fragments of both of these mAbs inhibited the f polymerization completely at the same molar ratio. Electron microscopy showed f to be in the monomeric form in the presence of these mAbs or their Fab-fragments. We suggest that the epitopes for these mAbs are situated near or at the sites of the initial step of the f polymerization, i. e., protofibril formation. Only one site involved in the initial polymerization has been localized at present in the D-domain of the f molecule, i. e. the "a" site localized in COOH-terminal half of the <$E gamma>-chain of the fibrin D-domain. It is complementary to the "A" site in the central E-domain of the f molecule. A D-fragment bound to either of these two inhibiting mAbs preserves the ability to bind immobilized Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro, which imitates the "A" site. Thus, the "a" site in a D-fragment or in the fibrin D-domain preserves its activity in the complex [D-fragment - mAb]. We suggest that two mAbs studied inhibit the fibrin polymerization by blocking an as yet unknown site involved in the protofibril formation and located in the D-domain. Our results showed that this site is situated in the NH2-terminal part of a <$E gamma>-chain in the fibrin D-domain.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е60*732.221


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