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Діхтярук М. М. 
Періодична контактна задача для пружної смуги з початковими (залишковими) напруженнями / М. М. Діхтярук // Доп. НАН України. - 2004. - № 3. - С. 46-49. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - укp.

The contract problem for an initially stressed elastic strip strengthened by periodically placed elastic laps (stringers) is considered. Using the Fourier integral transformation, the influence function for an elastic infinite strip with one edge fixed and a unit concentrated force applied to it is constructed. The solution of the contact problem is considered for the transmission of forces from periodically placed thin elastic laps to the initially stressed strip clutched by one edge. Assuming that the beam bend model together with the model of uniaxially stressed elastic lap are true for an elastic lap which is similtaneously loaded by vertical and horizontal forces, the problem is mathematically formulated as a system of integro-differential equations for the unknown contact stresses. This system is reduced to an infinite system of algebraic equations which is solved by means of reduction. The results of calculations are presented in the form of graphs and diagrams.

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