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Ганапольский Е. М. 
Поверхностные колебания Ценнека в шаровом диэлектрическом резонаторе, погруженном в сильно поглощающую жидкость / Е. М. Ганапольский, З. Е. Еременко // Доп. НАН України. - 2004. - № 10. - С. 92-99. - Библиогр.: 8 назв. - рус.

The goal of work is the detection of electromagnetic osculations similar to oscillations in a Zenneck surface wave. The osculations in a quasi-optic spherical dielectric resonator (SDR) immersed in a strongly lossy liquid are investigated in the Q band. The characteristic equations for own modes in SDR are deduced and analyzed. It is established that the surface oscillations are excited in such a resonator together with bulk ones. The electrical field of these oscillations falls exponentially on both sides from the border between a liquid and a dielectric ball. The surface oscillations have rather low quality which is determined by the complex liquid dielectric permittivity. We have shown that the presence a strongly lossy liquid results not only in the attenuation of oscillations, but also in an increase of their wave numbers. It is equivalent to the slowdown of the appropriate electromagnetic wave which forms the field oscillations in a quasi-optic SDR. The oscillations in SDR are investigated experimentally. The results of experiments agree with the theory concerning the number and values of own frequencies of the resonator and its quality. We conclude that oscillations observed in a quasi-optic SDR immersed in a strongly lossy liquid are a resonator analog of oscillations in the Zenneck surface electromagnetic wave.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З845.74-01


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