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Лебідь М. І. 
Природа периконтинентальних прогинів пасивних континентальних окраїн / М. І. Лебідь, В. І. Трегубенко // Доп. НАН України. - 2004. - № 6. - С. 119-121. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - укp.

Pericontinental troughs of the passive continental outlying districts (now the most perspective type for oil-and-gas bearing features of the Earth) are law-governed consequences of the movement of lithosphere plates. They are formed in a more intensive way during the mature stage of the rift-ocean opening, when the abilities of continents to move apart become scanty because of a change of the acting forces' vectors, and the ocean lithosphere spreading is going on. In such a situation, the sagging (and a dipping in perspective) of the edge of the ocean plate under the continental one is the important manner to solve the problem of the space deficit at the geoid surface. The passive edge of the continent will transform into an active one in the future. Factual data on the structure of oil-and-gas bearing troughs confirm such a hypothesis and define the troughs of the east outlying districts of the Atlantic Ocean (the first queue) and its west coasts (the second queue) as the most mature and perspective for oil and gas.

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