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Фітьо В. М. 
Резонансне поглинання електромагнітних хвиль системою "діелектрична гратка на металі" / В. М. Фітьо, Я. В. Бобицький // Доп. НАН України. - 2004. - № 6. - С. 84-91. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - укp.

Analysis of light diffraction on a dielectric grating placed on a dielectric substrate results in the conclusion: if the reflection coefficient is approximately 1, the electromagnetic field inside of grating fingers is characterized by the amplitude larger than that of the incident wave. In other words, a resonance appears. For the dielectric grating on a metal substrate, the reflection coefficient is nearly 0 at the resonance. By the method of coupled waves, the parameters of gratings on platinum and potassium at a wavelength of 0,85 <$E mu>m under the condition that the reflection coefficient is less than 0,001 are found. For Pt, the dependence of the reflection coefficient on the grating thickness, wavelength, and incident angle for ТЕ and TM light polarizations is derived. An especially sharp depression appears in the dependence of the reflection coefficient on grating parameters for potassium. This means that the reflection coefficient is above 0,97 for K. At resonance absorption, the amplitude of the field in a grating finger increases sharply.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В374.3


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