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Гасан-заде С. Г. 
Спектральна залежність фотоелектромагнітного ефекту в кристалах КРТ p-типу з областю просторового заряду / С. Г. Гасан-заде, С. В. Старий, М. В. Стріха, Г. А. Шепельський // Доп. НАН України. - 2004. - № 8. - С. 88-93. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - укp.

A theory of the spectral dependence of photoelectromagnetic effect current in the crystals of narrow-gap <$E {roman Cd} sub x {roman Hg} sub 1-x roman Te> <$E p>-type semiconductor alloy is developed. It is shown that, in samples with space charge region, the dependence of <$E J sub roman PME ( omega )> has a maximum. The decrease of this curve in the short-wave side from the maximum can be explained by an increase of the effective surface recombination rate due to an increase of the velocity of minority carriers - electrons drift to the surface under the generation of pairs in the space charge region. When the space charge region is removed (e. g. by the ultraviolet irradiation or by chemical etching of the surface), the spectral dependence of PME current has the form of an ordinary curve with saturation in the short-wave range. The results of the model examination are in good qualitative and quantitative correspondence with the results of our experiment. They can be used in order to determine the parameters of MCT crystals.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В377.14


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