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Коболев В. П. 
Эндогенные углеводороды рифтогенных узлов Земли / В. П. Коболев, Ю. П. Оровецкий // Доп. НАН України. - 2005. - № 12. - С. 124-133. - Библиогр.: 15 назв. - рус.

The Earth's paleoequators conditioned the formation of the rotational deep riftogenic regions of hot belts. The intersection of their structures of various ages had brought to the formation of the individual twofold riftogenic knots and to the anomalous accumulations of these intersections in the different parts of the world, where the industrial hydrocarbon contents had been found. The great regional accumulation of hydrocarbon knots is manifested as the well-known oil and gas provinces in North and South America, North Africa, Australia, West Siberia, and Arabia. The considerable accumulation of riftogenic knots has been exposed in the Antarctic Continent, where the hydrocarbon deposits have not been found so far. Their total hydrocarbon contents, which have been obtained by the conditional preliminary calculations, significantly exceed the well-known ones in the whole world.

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