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Кургалюк Н. М. 
Функціонування мітохондрій міокарда мурчаків за впливу модуляторів КАТФ-каналів і адреналінової міокардіодистрофії / Н. М. Кургалюк, Г. М. Ткаченко // Доп. НАН України. - 2006. - № 1. - С. 178-184. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - укp.

We have examined the influence of both the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel opener, pinacidil (0,06 mg/kg), and inhibitor, glibenclamide (1 mg/kg), on the changes of energy metabolism in the myocardium of guinea pigs under adrenaline myocardium dystrophy conditions. The adrenaline myocardium dystrophy was modeled by the injection of 1,5 mg/kg of a 0,1 % adrenaline hydrochloride solution and the decapitation of guinea pigs in 24 hours. The effects of the KATP opener pinacidil (0,06 mg/kg) and the inhibitor glibenclamide (1 mg/kg) on the ADP-stimulation of mitochondrial respiration by Chance and the processes of lipid peroxidation in blood and myocardium under the adrenaline myocardium dystrophy conditions have been investigated. We have used the next substrates of oxidation: 0,35 mM succinate and 1 mM <$E alpha>-ketoglutarate. The additional analyses were conducted with the use of inhibitors: mitochondrial enzyme complex I 10 mM rotenone and succinate dehydrogenase 2 mM malonic acid. Pinacidil caused the reorganization of the mitochondrial energy metabolism in favor of NAD-dependent oxidation and the improvement of the protection against adrenaline myocardium dystrophy. These changes deal with the increase of <$E alpha>-ketoglutarate oxidation (respiratory rate and ADP/O) and the decrease of lipid peroxidation processes.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р410.130.40-29

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