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Луговськой Е. В. 
Нові центри полімеризації фібрину, що розташовані у фрагменті B<$E bold beta>15-53 фібрину людини / Е. В. Луговськой, І. М. Колеснікова, Л. Г. Капустяненко, П. Г. Гриценко, В. І. Чернишов, Г. К. Гоголінська, Є. Д. Ляшко, Л. М. Литвинова, О. П. Костюченко, С. В. Комісаренко // Доп. НАН України. - 2005. - № 10. - С. 175-180. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - укp.

To search for the unknown sites of fibrin polymerization in the central domain E of fibrin, we have obtained monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to NH2-terminal disulfide knot of human fibrin. Three mAbs strongly inhibited the fibrin polymerization. One mAb 1-5G as well as its Fab-fragment inhibited the fibrin protofibril lateral association (PLA) by 90 - 100 % at the equimolar ratio to fibrin. The second mAb III-10D and its Fab inhibited the same process by 90 - 100 % at a molar ratio to fibrin equal to 2. Electron microscopy confirmed that the fibrin polymerization was retarded by mAbs-inhibitors at the PLA stage. The third mAb I-3B and its Fab inhibited the protofibril formation by 50 % and PLA by 90 % at the equimolar ratio to fibrin. Epitopes for all three mAbs-inhibitors proved to be situated in the fibrin B<$E beta>15-53 fragment. Immunoenzyme analysis showed that these mAbs compete with each other for the binding to the antigen to different extents. The inhibitory effect of these mAbs was not due to the blockade of the known site "B" at B<$E beta>15-17 fragment. We suggest that the inhibitory effect of these mAbs is conditioned by the blockade of the unknown site of the fibrin protofibril formation and of the unknown site of PLA both being situated in the fibrin B<$E beta>15-53 fragment.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е70*732.22


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