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Лебідь М. І. 
Закономірності розташування сильних землетрусів ХХ століття / М. І. Лебідь, В. І. Трегубенко, О. А. Марченко // Доп. НАН України. - 2005. - № 4. - С. 104-108. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - укp.

The spatial positions of all violent earthquakes which took place on the Earth during the whole period of investigation till the end of 2003 year (about 15 000 events) are analyzed. Almost all of them (96,9 % with the focus depth lower than 70 km and all deeper) are situated in structures of the lithosphere tectonics (boundaries of lithosphere platforms and hot points). In addition, in many regions of the Earth, the epicenters of earthquakes point out at the same time onto the rotary forces taking place in the formation of geodynamic boundaries. The alternation of layers with various saturations of earthquake focuses with depth is always observed, which proves the tectonic foliation of the lithosphere of our planet graphically. According to characteristic properties of the separation, all regions of the Earth are subdivided into two groups. The Mediterranean Sea-Himalayas folded zone has a distinctive distribution of earthquakes' focuses, which approaches and separates it simultaneously from regions of each of these groups. Peculiarities of the spatial positions of the focuses in the Vrancea Mountains allow one to forecast a gradual diminishing of their seismic activity.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д217.1


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