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Кулик Т. В. 
Адсорбція та хімічні перетворення коричної кислоти на поверхні високодисперсного кремнезему / Т. В. Кулик, В. М. Барвінченко, Б. Б. Паляниця, О. В. Смірнова, В. К. Погорєлий, О. О. Чуйко // Доп. НАН України. - 2006. - № 6. - С. 138-143. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - укp.

By temperature-programmed desorption mass spectrometry, we study the interactions between cinnamic acid and the surface of fumed silica. It has been shown that the thermal desorption curves recorded at a temperature of 220 - 230 <$E symbol Р>C for the acid samples prepared by the equilibrium adsorption procedure exhibit peaks for m/z of 104 and 44. Under these conditions, the acid undergoes the decomposition to form phenylethylene and carbon dioxide. The reaction is initiated in hydrogen-bound complexes and involves the formation of a transient state of 4-membered rings. Thus, the decarboxylation of surface complexes of the acid is a thermal reaction of <$E beta>-elimination with the intramolecular transfer of a hydrogen atom. With increasing temperature, the thermolysis becomes considerably more complicated. At a temperature higher than 400 <$E symbol Р>C, all the samples under study show maxima at m/z of 130, 104, 102, 44, and 28. In compliance with the advanced scheme of the chemisorption that implies the formation of a transient state of six-membered rings, the energy necessary to break siloxane bonds may be relatively low. The data gathered have given a ground to offer mechanisms of the formation of phenylethylene and dioxide of carbon on the silica surface as a result of the destruction of the chemisorbed acid at a temperature higher than 400 <$E symbol Р>C. The kinetic parameters of the chemical reactions on the silica surface are calculated.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Г252.61-27 + Г583.2


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