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Ганапольский Е. М. 
Моделирование активной наноэлектронной системы со случайными неоднородностями в миллиметровом диапазоне / Е. М. Ганапольский, З. Е. Еременко, Ю. В. Тарасов // Доп. НАН України. - 2006. - № 10. - С. 78-84. - Библиогр.: 12 назв. - рус.

A giant quantum dot (GQD) is proposed as a resonator for a semiconductor laser. GQD is a mesoscopic quantum electron billiard filled up with an active medium. To study the influence of random imperfections on spectral resonator properties, we used a modeling approach based on a quasi-optical cavity resonator of the millimeter wave range. We found out that random imperfections lead to the widening of resonant lines. This widening affects mainly the nearest spectral lines. The solitary lines are subjected a little to the influence of imperfections and keep a high quality factor. As a result, we have the so-called "rarefaction" of the resonator frequency spectrum due to random imperfections. The widening of resonant lines and the spectrum rarefaction take place due to the intermode field scattering by imperfections. We studied experimentally the generation effect in a quasi-optical cavity resonator with point-contact Gann diode in the millimeter wave range. We obtained the generation both in an empty resonator and in the resonator with random imperfections. The spectrum rarefaction due to imperfections leads to the reducing of the number of resonant lines with an enough high quality factor. As a result, the unstable multifrequency generation vanishes near the excitation threshold and the monochromatic generation in the resonator has high stability on the significant excess of the excitation threshold.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З845.7-01


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