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Сворень Й. М. 
Нова теорія синтезу і генезису природних вуглеводнів: абіогенно-біогенний дуалізм / Й. М. Сворень, І. М. Наумко // Доп. НАН України. - 2006. - № 2. - С. 111-116. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - укp.

A new dualistic (abiogenic-biogenic) theory of synthesis and genesis of natural hydrocarbons (oil, gas, etc.) is elaborated and substantiated. It states that the gigantic and supra-gigantic fields of oil and gas were formed from inorganic and organic initial hydrocarbon-bearing substances under influence of the deep-seated high-temperature fluid under the hard physical, physical-chemical, and geological conditions of the Earth's lithosphere. It is the deep-seated high-temperature fluid of a polycomponent composition that is actually the principal, main, and important source of powerful energy and sufficient amounts of initial substances for the synthesis of hydrocarbons in its medium. The scientific novelty and principal difference of the proposed theory from the prevailing now hypotheses (theories) are based on elucidated wholly new natural phenomena which are unaccounted up to now such as the generation of the additional powerful adiabatic compression of the fluid and a high-voltage electromagnetic field, the formation of tectonic macro- and microcracks and various submicrodefects, the creation of an oxidizing-restorative reaction medium, the synthesis of hydrocarbons, the formation of oil and gas fields (deposits), and the formation of a veinlet-impregnated mineralization accompanied by processes of cementation as a natural phenomenon of the Earth's lithosphere.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д453.1-0


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