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Шумлянський Л. В. 
Про походження основних порід осницького комплексу (північно-західний блок Українського щита), за даними ізотопного складу стронцію та неодиму / Л. В. Шумлянський, О. В. Зінченко, Л. Ф. Котвицький, С. В. Богданова // Доп. НАН України. - 2006. - № 5. - С. 124-129. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - укp.

The results of investigations of the Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of mafic rocks from the Osnitsk-Mikashevichi magmatic belt are presented. In two cases, <$E epsilon sub roman Nd> is of positive values (+1,6 and +0,7), whereas the metadolerites of a dyke cutting plagioclase migmatites of the Zhytomyr complex have slightly negative <$E epsilon sub roman Nd> (-0,4). All the three samples have similar Sr isotopic compositions (<$E roman {nothing sup 87 Sr "/" nothing sup 86 Sr} sub (1940)> = 0,70202 - 0,70275). Comparing the isotopic compositions of mafic rocks with those of granitoids and lower-crustal xenoliths within the belt studied by other authors leads to the conclusion that the source of the melts was in the mantle. However, the isotopic composition of a particular rock depends of the isotopic composition of host rocks, into which melts were emplaced. Mixing the isotopic features of the depleted mantle and the host rocks thus occurred. Mantle (juvenile) isotopic characteristics of the studied rocks support the idea of their origin due to the melting of a subducted oceanic slab or a mantle wedge beneath the Sarmatian segment of the East-European Craton.

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