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Ковальчук Л. А. 
Статистическое оценивание запасов гидробионтов / Л. А. Ковальчук // Доп. НАН України. - 2006. - № 12. - С. 150-157. - Библиогр.: 15 назв. - рус.

The methodology of reliable estimates of the specific concentrations and stocks of aquatic life is developed in accordance with the rules of metrology and mathematical statistics and using the biocenological regularities of water objects. The basis of evaluating the stocks of water life was investigated through biocenotic conditionality in the areas of their equal probability in concentrations. The traditional method of squares in evaluating the stocks of water life is modernized with the use of the probabilistic approach requiring the knowledge of the laws of statistical distributions of their specific concentration. The separation of borders in the areas of probably equal concentrations of aquatic life should use the error integral. It is recommended to minimize errors of the evaluation of the aquatic life resources using the statistical method of averaging if it is stated that the random component is twice higher than the regular one in the resulting error of the average specific concentration of water life.

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