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Сворень Й. М. 
Термобарометрія і геохімія газів прожилково-вкрапленої мінералізації у відкладах нафтогазоносних областей і металогенічних провінцій: глибинні флюїдопотоки / Й. М. Сворень, І. М. Наумко // Доп. НАН України. - 2007. - № 9. - С. 91-95. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - укp.

It is established that the character of distribution and general composition of volatile-gaseous components of the fluid inclusions of veinlet-impregnated mineralization in the deposits of oil- and gas-bearing regions and metallogenic provinces appears to be one of the most important indications of the fixation of fluid-conducting fault zones, the occurrence of deep fluid flows in them, and the genesis and formation of oil, gas, and some ore deposits (first of all, gold-containing ones). Closeness of the composition and temperature conditions of the hydrocarbon conservation in inclusions of the vein minerals in series of different ages testifies to the simultaneousness or nearness of their migration through the fault zones in the vast territories of oil- and gas-bearing regions, including the Ukraine, and lets the reason to envisage their accumulation in structures-traps (under the favorable conditions) with formation of oil and gas deposits. The obtained results and the new theory of genesis and synthesis of natural hydrocarbons created by the authors from the positions of abiogenic dualism corroborate the views of the Corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine M. R. Ladyzhens'kyi about that oil from the Carpathian fields contains a constituent originated via inorganic synthesis and migrated from depths through the regional fractures-faults with ultrahigh pressures in the course of a short period of time that also is not in conformity with the knowledge about the oil- and gas-bearing basins.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д330.0


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