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Чехун В. Ф. 
Аналіз особливостей структурованої води у плазматичних мембранах карциноми Герена з різною чутливістю до цис-дихлордіаміноплатини / В. Ф. Чехун, В. М. Михайленко, С. В. Чехун, О. В. Чалий // Доп. НАН України. - 2008. - № 2. - С. 178-185. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - укp.

The content of structured water in a suspension of plasma membranes (PM) isolated from Guerin's carcinoma (GC) tumor cells with different sensitivities to cis-dichlorodiaminoplatinum (cis-DDP) is studied by <$E ~sup 1 roman H> NMR-spectroscopy. The PM of a sensitive substrain of GC showed the increase of the total content of bound water (by 65 %) and the increased ratio (2,5-fold) <$E C sub roman {H sub 2 O} sup w "/" C sub roman {H sub 2 O} sup s> as compared with PM of resistant GC cells. The effect of cis-DDP was associated with an increased level of membrane hydration, especially in cells of the resistant GC substrain. The administration of cis-DDP caused the decrease (1,6-fold) of the ratio <$E C sub roman {H sub 2 O} sup w "/" C sub roman {H sub 2 O} sup s> in PM of the sensitive substrain of GC, but its level in resistant cells was increased twice. The level of inter-phase energy was not changed significantly in the sensitive or resistant substrain of GC. However, after the cis-DDP treatment, we observed an increase of the inter-phase energy for the PM suspensions from sensitive and resistant GC cells (14 and 26 %, respectively). The differences observed in the properties of structured water in PM of tumor cells showed its important role in rearrangements of the PM structure of tumor cells and the development of drug resistance to a cancer treatment and may contribute to the biological effect of cis-DDP.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р562.9


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