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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Barannik A. A. 
Unusual microwave response and bulk conductivity of very thin FeSe0,3Te0,7 films as a function of temperature / A. A. Barannik, N. T. Cherpak, Yun Wu, Sheng Luo, Yusheng He, M. S. Kharchenko, A. Porch // Физика низ. температур. - 2014. - 40, № 6. - С. 636-644. - Бібліогр.: 31 назв. - англ.

Results of X-band microwave surface impedance measurements of FeSe1-xTex very thin film are reported. The effective surface resistance shows appearance of peak at <$E T~symbol Г~T sub C> when plotted as a function of temperature. The authors suggests that the most well-reasoned explanation can be based on the idea of the changing orientation of the microwave magnetic field at a S - N phase transition near the surface of a very thin film. The magnetic penetration depth exhibits a power-law behavior of <$E delta lambda sub L (T)~symbol Х~CT sup n>, with an exponent <$E n~symbol Ы~2,4> at low temperatures, which is noticeably higher than in the published results on FeSe1-xTex single crystal. However the temperature dependence of the superfluid conductivity remains very different from the behavior described by the BCS theory. Experimental results are fitted very well by a two-gap model with <$E DELTA sub 1 "/" kT sub c ~=~0,43> and <$E DELTA sub 2 "/" kT sub c ~=~1,22>, thus supporting <$E s sub {symbol С}>-wave symmetry. The rapid increase of the quasiparticle scattering time is obtained from the microwave impedance measurements.

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