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Khobotova E. 
Use of rock refuse of coal extraction in manufacture of building materials / E. Khobotova, M. Ignatenko, R. Makovyey, V. Baumer // Наук. пр. Донец. нац. техн. ун-ту. Сер. Хімія і хім. технологія. - 2013. - Вип. 2. - С. 129-136. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

The work's aim is the finding out possibilities of use of "Khmelnitskiy" and "Ya. Sverdlov" mines rock refuse (Lugansk Region, Ukraine) in manufacture of building materials. The research methods of X-ray diffraction, petrographic, spectrophotometric, titrimetric analysis and electron probe microanalysis were used to study the composition and properties of rock refuse. The mineralogical and oxide compositions of rock refuse of coal extraction and its clinkered samples were researched. The following minerals are present in the crystal part of rock refuse: quartz, clinochlore (chlorite), muscovite. Clinochlore and muscovite refer to clay minerals which can be used in the manufacture of Portland cement clinker. The high hydraulicity and adsorption activity of rock refuse were determined. The adsorptive property of rock refuse is comparable with indicators for acid hydraulic additives and diatomite - 250 - 400 mg/g. High adsorbing ability is evidence of considerable hydraulicity. High hydraulicity indirectly proves to be true by determination of adsorptive activity of rock refuse. The efficiency value of solution sorption clearing proves the high sorption capacity of rock refuse: during 15 mines it reaches 67,5 %; within 3 days it reaches the maximum value of 99 %. High concentration of glass phase, aluminate and iron (III) oxides, high values of alumina and clay-ferriferous modules, high hydraulic and adsorptive properties of rock refuses make possible their utilization in manufacture of aluminous cement as correcting additive or active additive to Portland clinker or in manufacture of calcic-slag binders. It was shown that the recycling of rock refuse will allow providing the building industry with readily available and cheap mineral raw materials and improving ecological conditions in industrial regions.

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