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Franchuk V. P. 
Deep-sea dredging experimental research in the Black Sea / V. P. Franchuk, T. V. Shepel // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2014. - № 4. - С. 20-26. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Investigation of deep-sea dredging process based on the results of experiments that were carried out in the 73th voyage of Research Vessel "Professor Vodyanitskiy" during marine expedition in the Black Sea on 7 - 17 of June 2013. Methodology. It includes experimental methods with tensometric and accelerometric tools, which were designed in the National Mining University. The tools were installed on the cable-bucket equipment used at the vessel "Professor Vodyanitskiy" for seabed sediment sampling. The experiments were conducted while digging organic-mineral sediments at the depth of 1885 m. Findings. The results obtained give the diagrams, which allow to trace kinematics and dynamics of the scrapper dredge while digging seabed sediments. It has been established that there exist adverse operating modes of the mining equipment at which the dredge lowered to the bottom is characterized by unstable space position. The force of digging of organic-mineral sediments with the dredge 0,33 m<^>3 capacity also was determined. On the basis of the natural experiment, the principle about small influence of hydrostatic pressure on digging force at the development of water-saturated porous medium was confirmed. Originality. The forces defined during natural experiment which influence at the bucket working tool allow verifying principles of the water-saturated ground cutting theory. Practical value. The results can be used to justify the parameters of bucket-type working tools of deep-sea mining machines. Avoiding of detected adverse operating modes of the cable-bucket equipment of the vessel "Professor Vodyanitskiy" will reduce the probability of accidents during deep-sea dredging operations.

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