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Soldatov A. V. 
Method of intermediate problems in the Frohlich polaron model / A. V. Soldatov // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2009. - 12, № 4. - С. 665-675. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Method of intermediate problems in the theory of linear semi-bounded self-adjoint operators on rigged Hilbert space was applied to the investigation of the ground state energy of the Frohlich polaron model. It was shown that various infinite sequences of non-decreasing improvable lower bound estimates for the polaron ground state energy can be derived for arbitrary values of the electron-phonon interaction constant. The proposed approach allows for explicit numerical evaluation of the thus obtained lower bound estimates at all orders and can be straightforwardly generalized for investigation of the low-lying branch of the slow-moving polaron excitation energy spectral curve adjacent to the ground state energy of the polaron at rest. In conjunction with numerous, already derived by multitudinous methods, well-known upper bound estimates for the energy spectral curve of the Frohlich polaron as a function of the electron-phonon interaction constant and the polaron total momentum, the aforesaid improvable lower bound estimates might provide one with virtually precise magnitude for the energy of the slow-moving polaron.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В372.314.3


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