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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Petrusenko Yu. T. 
Interplay of point and planar defects in the phase state formation and dynamics of Abrikosov vortices in <$E bold roman {YBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O sub {7- delta}}> crystals / Yu. T. Petrusenko, A. V. Bondarenko // Functional Materials. - 2009. - 16, № 1. - С. 11-16. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

The rotation of magnetic field H off the plane of twin boundaries (TBs) has been found to induce transition of an ordered vortex solid phase to a disordered one due to transverse deformations of vortex lines near the TBs. It has been shown that the variation of both the depinning current density <$E J sub c> and the activation energy <$E U sub pl sup ef> corresponding to plastic vortex creep with angle <$E 0~symbol Ъ~symbol й bold roman H , roman TB> are not changed qualitatively with increasing concentration of point defects <$E n sub d>, but this variation is strongly affected by the evolution of a kinked structure of vortex lines with the angle 0. It has been also shown that the current density <$E J sub c> and energy <$E U sub pl sup ef> behave quite differently as the angle 0 and the concentration <$E n sub d> vary, and in particular, angular variation of the pinning force in the creep regime <$E F sub p>, which is defined by competition between the current density <$E J sub c> and the energy <$E U sub pl sup ef>, depends on the concentration <$E n sub d> and on the driving force value.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В368.31 + В372.31


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