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Приміський В. П. 
Adaptation features and emission standards execution control in the industry / В. П. Приміський, В. М. Івасенко, Д. Г. Корнієнко // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2014. - № 3/1. - С. 8-15. - Бібліогр.: 34 назв. - англ.

Technology-based standards in force of allowable emissions of stationary sources of industrial enterprises were considered. The analysis of the standards on concentration, composition and range of energy emissions, agglomeration of metal ores, production of ferroalloys, electrocorundum, cement, glass and fiberglass, coke, was carried out. The majority of the technology-based standards regulate four main pollutants: dust (suspended particulate matter), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2). These pollutants are products of combustion processes of different fuels - liquid, gaseous, solid, which are common to the most of the above-mentioned processes. There is a lack of technology-based emission standards for a number of metallurgical processes: blast furnace and converter, WOODWORKING, food, petrochemical, manufacturing of firebrick, brick and other building materials. Instrumental-gas analytical monitoring of the technology-based standards of different manufacturing processes is a prerequisite of the Western European industrial companies operation. Today, for solving the problem of the technology-based standards control, there are a few basic structural diagrams of constructing the gas analytical systems. The functional diagrams of constructing the gas analytical systems for controlling emissions of SIEMENS (FRG), "Environnement SA" (France), are presented. Specifications, functional diagram and description of the domestic gas analytical technological complex TK-1 are given. The TC-1 contains a multichannel gas analyzer 325 FA01, implemented by the method of infrared spectroscopy, measuring carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). The feature of the analyzer 325FA01 is an original optical scheme using zero (reference) channel, the effective scheme of sampling and hot filtration of contaminated gas sample, reliability, automatic selftest, reserving the main operation functions.

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