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Kavetskyy T. S. 
Radiation-induced optical darkening and oxidation effects in As2S3 glass / T. S. Kavetskyy // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2014. - 17, № 3. - С. 308-312. - Бібліогр.: 26 назв. - англ.

The long-wave shift of fundamental optical absorption edge with decreasing the sample's transparency in the saturation region in the As2S3 bulk glass (~2 mm thick) due to radiation treatment by <$Enothing sup 60 roman Co> <$Egamma>-quanta with the average energy E = 1,25 MeV and accumulated dose <$EPHI~=~2,41> MGy is reported. The red shift (radiation-induced optical darkening effect) is detected within the period of 2 - 3 months after <$Egamma>-irradiation able to cause the well-known static radiation-induced optical effect. The detected decrease in the slope of <$Etau ( lambda )> curve in the fundamental optical absorption edge region after <$Egamma>-irradiation, resulting in the maximum difference of optical transmittance for the unirradiated and <$Egamma>-irradiated samples <$EDELTA tau (h nu ) sub max> at the level 33,5 %, can be interpreted within the radiation-induced defect formation processes occurring in the structural network of glass. At the same time, as expected from literature, the observed decrease in the sample's transparency at the level 33 % upon radiation is plausibly caused by the accompanying radiation-induced oxidation processes that are the most probably related with appearance of As2O3 (arsenolite) crystals and S phases at the surface of <$Egamma>-irradiated sample, forming a white oxidized layer visible to the eye. The disadvantage of As2S3 glass to be selected as the best model object for X-ray diffraction study of <$Egamma>-radiation-structural changes, especially in respect to the first sharp diffraction peak, is considered.

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